St. Andrews Kids

On May 31st, 2023 our preschool program will close its doors. Many factors went into the session’s decision to close the program. The continued struggles brought on by the pandemic, staffing shortages, the wider reach of state Pre-K programs, and other factors brought about a decline in the number of children we were able to serve and prevents the financial viability of continuing the program.

We give great thanks for the many families and staff we have been able to serve since August 1974, including multiple generations of children. God opened our hearts to serve the community through this program and God still has plans for us as a church.

During this time we appreciate your prayers for our families, staff, and child care committee as we discern how to close this program and listen to what God may be up to next. If you would like to be part of this discernment process, please contact Rourke Sanderson, chair of the Child Care Committee.